Contact Rock Band Land

RBL Headquarters:
400 E-Treat Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94110

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Springtime Rock Out

Springtime Rock Out!

Springtime Rock Out is like no other camp. Over the course of just five days we will form a band, learn a hit RBL song, record vocals on that song, work comedic bits for UGLY BABY (RBL's TV show) work on art projects, crack jokes, make new friends, and run like maniacs at the park.

March 31 - April 4
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 4:00pm
Ages 6-13
$775 (+ ActivityHero’s merchant fees)
Sibling discounts and Aftercare available (see below)


Located at RBL HQ: 400-E Treat Avenue
Cancellation / Refund / Transfer Policy

Aftercare - Aftercare is from 4:00 - 5:00. Click here for Aftercare enrollment.

Please email Rebecca, our enrollment coordinator, at

Kind Words & Reviews

What a unique experience for kids! This place is unapologetically not your normal "camp" for kids. They celebrate being weird, creative, having fun and building core musical skills. My daughter is drawn to this camp and consistently tells me it's her favorite across all the ones we have sent her to (even beats all-day soccer camp shockingly!). Aside from the fun she has, she's also developed real musical skills and as we've now discovered actually has some rhythmic drummer talent! Who knew? Love RBL - give it a try. - Michael H.

Rock Band Land was so fun, enriching, and inspiring for my child!!! The camp was also incredibly organized with phenomenal communication. This made the parent part of having a child in camp smooth and stress-free. - Claudine R.