Contact Rock Band Land

RBL Headquarters:
400 E-Treat Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94110

Please send comments and questions using the following form!

Click Here to view our Classes & Camps. 

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Cancellation Policy

Cancellation / Refund / Transfer Policy

This section and the ones preceding apply to all participants, minor child and adult. Our policy applies to all transfers and cancellations regardless of original sign-up date. 

POLICY FOR Regular Session Rock Out, Pre-K Rock Out, Advanced Rock Out, Elder Rock Out, RBL Graphic Novel Squad, RBL Supergroups, UGLY BABY Makers, Wintertime Rock Out, Springtime Rock Out, and any and all regular in-person or online session classes: All enrollment fees include a non-refundable deposit equal to 50% of the enrollment fee. If the Participant’s or Adult Participant’s enrollment is cancelled within two (2) weeks of the session’s start date, there will be no refund issued. If the Participant’s or Adult Participant’s enrollment is cancelled prior to two (2) weeks of the session’s start date, a refund of the enrollment fee, minus the non-refundable deposit, will be issued.

If you wish to transfer your Participant’s or Adult Participant’s session to another session, approval by the Directors of RBL of such transfer will be determined on a case-by-case basis and per availability. RBL cannot guarantee a transfer is possible. 

POLICY FOR Rock Band Land Summer Camp (“RBL Summer”):  RBL Summer enrollment fees include a 50% non-refundable deposit. If the Participant’s enrollment is canceled prior to four (4) weeks of the session in question’s start date, a refund of the enrollment fee, minus the 50% non-refundable deposit and minus the processing fee (the amount of which may vary) will be issued. If the Participant’s enrollment is canceled within four (4) weeks of the start date of the session in question, no refund will be issued.

If you wish to transfer your Participant’s Summer camp session to another Summer Camp session, approval by the Directors of RBL of such transfer will be determined on a case-by-case basis, per availability. RBL cannot guarantee that a transfer is possible. Requests to transfer the Participant’s session to another session must be made at least two (2) weeks before the preferred session’s start date.

POLICY FOR One Day Camps, Classes, or Events/Clubhouse Nights/Movie Nights/Arty Bing Bong Night/Girls Night Out/Yoga Classes: Enrollment in these camps/classes/events are non-refundable and non-transferable. 

If you wish to transfer your Participant’s camp week to another week, approval by the Directors of RBL of such transfer will be determined on a case-by-case basis and per availability. RBL cannot guarantee that a transfer is possible.