Contact Rock Band Land

RBL Headquarters:
400 E-Treat Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94110

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UGLY BABY is RBL’s YouTube show and UGLY BABY Makers is for every funny, weird kid out there who loves to take wild ideas, bring them to life, and deliver them like little (ugly) media babies to screens and devices around the planet. In UGLY BABY Makers young artists will help conceive and storyboard bit concepts, they’ll write, produce and star in sketches, bits, and random comedy based video pieces, they will have opportunities to work behind the scenes, and to help with the many post-production projects.

Wednesdays 3:00 - 5:00
Ages 8-13 (See Monkey-Donkey Law)
$365 / Sibling Discounts Available

Located at RBL HQ: 400-E Treat Avenue
Cancellation / Refund / Transfer Policy
UGLY BABY Makers Info


Complimentary van / walking pick up offered from the following schools:
New School (Van)-Wednesday 3:00-5:00
La Scuola (Walking)-Wednesday 3:00-5:00
All pick ups will occur at the schools' dismissal times.

UGLY BABY Makers will meet once per week on Wednesdays, plus a mind-blowing wrap party and game show on the last Sunday of most sessions.


February - 2.5.25 / 2.12.25 / 2.19.25 / 2.26.25
Game Show: Sunday 3.2.25

March (3 Wk Banger!) - 3.5.25 / 3.12.25 / 3.19.25
No Game Show

April / May - 4.16.25 / 4.23.25 / 4.30.25 / 5.7.25
Game Show: Sunday 5.11.25
(Yes, we know it’s Mothers Day)

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