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RBL Broadcast Podcast

RBL Broadcast Podcast

The RBL Broadcast Podcast is what happens when you take the craziness of RBL, cook it in a pressure cooker, and then fire it from a cannon directly at your ears. For a minute or two you might feel lost and wonder where you are, then you’ll realize you are right at home, inside the turkey, where you belong.

Barnacle Tooth

Barnacle Tooth

A group of Boy Scouts become infected with a horrible virus that causes them to attack the Lincoln White House. A frightened train engineer  is tricked by some fairies and meets Jelly-Eye of Rippendella Bridge. Brian is your own personal Sound Johnny and takes care of his sick street. Jenniferocious tells us what happens to our dreams after we wake. Marcus leads the band with a face melting version of Rainbow Beast’s hit song, Barnacle Tooth.
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Cracking Up At The Goat Joint

Cracking Up At The Goat Joint

A hobo clown survives being captured by a tribe of hungry devils below Antarctica. Without a knife or gun, the only weapon he has is his sense of humor. Brian provides valuable information on how to deal with a rhinoceros in your belly. Jenniferocious muses on where funny comes from. Marcus, aka Mark Dial, gives us a sonic tour of the studio. Cat Stevens climbs into our brains and won’t leave and DJ Alex connects with the ghost in The Verdi Club.
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Ice Girl

Ice Girl

After being lost under the ice of a frozen lake for 40 or 60 years Sarah emerged with incredible super powers. Brian’s feet become giant bread feet and he gives free rides to the whole city. When he is called away to paint cows Marcus takes over the controls and gives out points. Gary The Goldfish tells us about the Adventures of Fart Bubble. Jenniferocious reveals the secret to telling if you have a super power and Tiger Chomp makes it’s national debut.
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Remblin' Race

Remblin' Race

Everyone tells James that he can’t when he knows that he can. Brian throws up diamonds. Pizza the bird is celebrated in song. Marcus has a solo show in Tapalio. Jen offers staring tips. The Talking Dog returns.
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Oliver In The Wrong Cast

Oliver In The Wrong Cast

When the bandages were removed, Oliver’s body was nothing but a polka dot candy-filled skeleton. Marcus has umbrellas on his fingers. The Evening Delight Sisters sing to our beloved Bob Nachacha. Brian can because he does because he can. Jen, aka Jenniferocious, joins the show.
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21 Hot Air Balloons Over Tapalio

21 Hot Air Balloons Over Tapalio

With its first podcast Rock Band Land opens its walls for all to enjoy. Tutter Khyme saves Tapalio from an aerial bug attack. Ozlo tells us “What’s Important.”
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